Home > Introduction > Bylaw
- 1. Name The official name of the organization shall be ISOPES (International Society of Oncoplastic Endocrine Surgeons).
- 2. Purpose
- 2.1 To advance the science and art of oncoplastic endocrine surgery
- 2.2 To maintain high standards in the practice and art of oncoplastic endocrine surgery
- 2.3 To provide a forum for scientific presentations and discussions
- 2.4 To encourage basic and clinical research in the field of oncoplastic endocrine surgery
- 3. Office The Office of ISOPES is located in Seoul, Korea. This designation can be changed by simple decision of the Board of Directors with ratification of General Assembly.
- 4. Members Membership in The Society consists of Regular, Honorary, and Associate members. The Membership Committee shall review all membership applications, take the appropriate actions, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The judge of the qualifications needed for election or termination of membership shall be made only by Board of Directors.
- 4.1 Regular members shall consist of original charter members and all members subsequently elected. The number of regular members shall not be limited.
- 4.1.1 Qualifications: Regular members of this Society are limited to physicians, surgeons and other scientists who have a major professional interest and commitment to either oncoplastic endocrine surgery.
- 4.1.2 Rights: Regular members shall be the members of the General Assembly and have rights to vote. They shall have the right to attend, participate in and submit abstracts for presentation at the meetings of The Society.
- 4.1.3 Obligations: An applicant must submit a completed membership application along with any required application fees. They are required to pay a membership fee which is determined by a decision of the Board of Directors. Regular members who paid lifetime membership fee are exempted from a membership fee.
- 4.1.4 Nomination and Election: Names of candidates nominated for Regular Members shall be submitted to the Office. After Membership Committee reviews the application the applicant submitted and makes comments, Board of Directors decides on the acceptance of the applicants for membership. Board of Directors shall notify the applicant of the final decision. The list of new members will be presented at the General Assembly at the following meeting.
- 4.2 Honorary members
- 4.2.1 Qualifications: Anyone who is older than 60 years old and got remarkable achievement in oncoplastic endocrine surgery.
- 4.2.2 Rights: Shall have the right to vote, attend, submit abstract for presentation at the meetings of The Society.
- 4.2.3 Obligations: Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues.
- 4.2.4 Nomination and Election: Membership Committee shall nominate Honorary Membership and the election is complete by approval of Board of Director.
- 4.3 Associate members
- 4.3.1 Qualifications: Physicians who are not eligible for Regular Membership, nurses, physicians assistants, data managers and other health care professionals who are involved in Minimally invasive surgery or Endocrine surgery.
- 4.3.2 Rights: Shall have the right to attend, participate in and submit abstracts for presentation at meetings of the Society. However Associate members do not have right to vote at the meetings. They may serve as members of standing Committees with approval of Board of Directors.
- 4.3.3 Obligations: Associate members shall be subject to the fees and dues of the Society.
- 4.3.4 Nomination and Election: An applicant shall be furnished with the application form by the Society upon request. Approval shall be made at Board of Directors, and the applicant shall be notified the decision. The names of approved members are presented at the General Assembly at the following meeting.
- 5. Loss of Membership and Reinstatement
- 5.1 Any member can resign from the Society at any time by submitting a letter of resignation to the Secretary. And the membership of any member shall lapse if the member fails to pay any financial obligations within one year after payment is due. All the membership is still valid until the decision of Board of Directors.
- 5.2 Any member may be reinstated upon payment of arrears.
- 6. Officers
- 6.1 The officers of the Society shall be a Past President, a President, Honorary President, President-Elect, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Internal Auditor.s.
- 6.2 Terms of Officers
- 6.2.1 President, President-Elect
- 6.2.2 Honorary President
- 6.2.3 Secretary and Treasurer
- 6.2.4 Internal Auditor
- 6.3 President
- 6.3.1 Election: The office of the President shall be filled by the President-Elect.
- 6.3.2 Duties: The president shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and shall preside at the Annual meeting of General Assembly and Board of Director and the Executive Committee.
- 6.4 President-Elect
- 6.4.1 Election: The President-Elect shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast at the Annual meeting of General Assembly.
- 6.4.2 Duties: President-Elect shall assist the President as requested, and assume the duties of the President in the event that the President is absent or incapable of acting.
- 6.5 Secretary
- 6.5.1 Election: The Secretary shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast at the Annual meeting of General Assembly.
- 6.5.2 Duties: Under direction of the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall facilitate the workings of the various standing committees. The Secretary shall ensure that minutes are recorded at Board of Directors meetings, at any meeting of General Assembly, and at the meeting of Committee that require records. The secretary shall supervise the maintenance of current files and records of the Society, and shall regularly review the Bylaws of the Society in order to help ensure that they remain current and otherwise appropriate.
- 6.6 Treasurer
- 6.6.1 Election: The Treasurer shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast at the Annual meeting of General Assembly.
- 6.6.2 Duties: Under direction of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall supervise the financial affairs of the Society. The Treasurer shall approve payment of all bills and shall countersign all checks exceeding an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. Checks shall be countersigned by the President or the Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer. Financial records and bank accounts shall be maintained under the direction of the President, who shall provide related information and documentation for audit by an independent certified public accountant. Also the President will provide the Treasurer with an annual report for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting of General Assembly. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all standing committees and workforces except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by appointment.
- 7. General Assembly
- 7.1 Annual meeting: A meeting of the voting members of The Society shall be held annually for the election of Officers and the transaction of other business at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
- 7.2 Special meeting: Special meetings of the voting members of The Society may be called at the request of the Board of Directors, or at the written request of 10% of The Society’s voting members. The time and place for holding special meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
- 7.3 Notice: Notice of any annual or special meeting of the voting members shall state the time, date, place, and purpose of the meeting and shall be delivered not less than 30 days prior to the date of such meeting, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
- 7.4 Quorum and Manner of Acting: Twenty percent of the eligible voting members of the Society present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Attending of the eligible voting members through teleconference is regarded as attending in person when Board of Directors allowed. If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of the majority of the members represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on a matter shall be the act of the members, unless the vote of a greater number is required by law or Bylaws. However, two-thirds (2/3) of affirmative votes are needed in the matter of great significance as amendments of Bylaws, disqualification of membership.
- 7.5 President resides at General Assembly, and Vice-president assists President. Vice-president assumes the duties of the President in the event that the President is absent
- 8. Board of Directors
- 8.1 The affairs of the Society shall be managed by its Board of Directors. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall be responsible for formulating policy and maintaining the financial integrity of the Society.
- 8.2 Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, Honorary President, and 5 Directors-at-Large.
- 8.3 In the event that the president is not able to perform the duties of the Presidency, the President-Elect will succeed the Presidency.
- 8.4 Term of Board of directors is one year and each can serve consecutive terms by the election in General Assembly.
- 8.5 Regular meetings of the Executive Council shall be held at least once a year and the time, date, and place for the meeting should be decided at this regular meeting. Regular meetings can be held by tele-conference.
- 8.6 President shall be a chairman of Board of directors, and have no right to vote. However, President shall decide the issue in case of a tie.
- 8.7 Board of directors is assembled when a majority of the members of Board of directors are present. Decision shall be made with consent of the majority of the attendance.
- 8.8 Board of directors shall decide the following matters. Recommendation of President and vice-president, selection of Honorary members, business plan, compilation of budget, balancing accounts, matters of assets, establishment of committee.
- 8.9 Directors-at-Large shall serve for 3 year terms, with 2 Councilors being elected annually so as to provide overlapping terms.
- 9. Academic Committee
- 9.1 The Chairman of Academic Committee of ISOPES shall be appointed by the president to aid the Board of Directors in conducting the affairs of ISOPES.
- 9.2 Committee Chairman and the members are appointed by the newly-elected President, so the terms of them may be the same as the newly-elected President unless there are some special events.
- 9.3 The chairman of Committee calls for Committee meetings, sets up the agenda, and provides suggestions to be approved in the Board of Directors. He will decide who will attend, where and when a meeting will take place.
- 10. National Chapter
- 10.1 National Chapter can be approved by Board of Directors.
- 10.2 The royalty for the use of the name ISOPES is $ 2,000 and shall be paid within 30 days of approval by the Board of Directors.
- 10.3 The renewal period shall be two years.
- 10.4 Other important matters shall be decided by the Board of Directors.
- 11. Finance
- 11.1 Membership Fee: Membership fee shall be determined by Board of Directors.
- 11.2 Management of Assets
- 11.2.1 Cash shall be deposited in a bank in the name of President.
- 11.3 Execution of Assets
- 11.3.1 Assets shall be executed with approval of General Assembly.
- 11.4 Accounting
- 11.4.1 Fiscal year of this Society starts 1st of July and ends 30th of June of the next year.
- 11.4.2 Accounting of the year shall be reported in General Assembly after Internal Auditor’s audit.
- 12. Auditor The internal Auditor provides an internal control system, reads the minutes of the meetings, checks if resolutions approved are translated into action within a reasonable time frame (3 months), ensures that procedures/activities do not violate the bylaws, supervises the election of the candidates, but has no responsibility for financial matters. The Auditor reports to the General Assembly about his findings.
- 13. Amendments
- 13.1 An amendment of the bylaws of this Society may be originated by any Regular Member when an amendment is endorsed by at least five other members.
- 13.2 Theses bylaws maybe amended at the assembly of the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present.
- 14. Dissolution of the Association This Society may be dissolved with a two-thirds of affirmative vote of the members. When the dissolution is decided, one or more liquidators will take the task of liquidating all of the assets. The member of the Society cannot accept this job. Assets will be divided equally amongst all Societies, and any remaining assets will be donated to organizations with similar goals as this Society and chosen by Board of Directors.