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Writer 관리자 Email test@test.com
Date 2014-04-30 Views 5632
Oral Presentation Announcement

All presenting authors of accepted abstracts should attend the conference and register via online by the early registration date.


Please refer to the below information of your oral presentation.

1. Presenting Time

- All presentations must be in English and regular presentation will be limited to a total of 10 minutes (7 minutes presentation and 3 minutes Q&A).

- Overruns will not be allowed as they interfere with the other presenters. Session chair may give instructions to finish within the allotted presentation time


2. Presentation File(s)

- Oral Session presenters should prepare their presentation file(s) in MS Power Point (MS Office 2007 or 2010).

- You can use any font provided by MS Office. If you use fonts other than standard Windows fonts, please bring the font file(s) on site along with the presentation file(s).

- If your presentation file(s) contain(s) movies or sound, you are requested to zip them into one folder, and bring it to the field to ensure that they work properly.

- Please bring your MS PowerPoint presentation file(s) with you on a USB memory stick, and make sure that the file(s) are copied correctly onto the memory stick 

* Please send your presentation slide to by June 9th, 2014.

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